On the Move

It’s time, finally, to leave La Paz, MX and explore the Sea of Cortez. Quijote has been slipped here since November 19th. Her hull has attracted marine growth from sitting still in this rich marine environment. It’ll feel good for all of us to be out on the water again, on the move.
We depart today, January 19th to head north along the Eastern coastline of the Baja Peninsula. Our itinerary has us anchoring out in protected bays and inlets along the coast and islands until later March. We’ll have ample opportunity to get off the boat to hike, beach walk, use our stand up paddle boards, snorkel, and occasionally find a town or village along the way. This is our life until late March!
Although it could seem like a two year vacation, it is better defined as a way of life, for the time being. And we are not unique. This lifestyle is alive and well across generations everywhere we go!
While out on the water, there’ll be more adventures to write home about, but be fewer opportunities to post. You can always check the GPS tracker to see where in the world is Quijote and Sancho Panza.

One comment

  1. Hey finally able to read all these great posts! ANd love the pictures of course. Glad all is well and know you are enjoying this time, even the wind:) Loving the In Reach tracker right on the blog! Heading to game night tomorrow at Christi’s with da gurls and all will want to know where you are and whats up in Sea of Cortez. I know we will toast to your good health and happiness xoxoxo

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