Quijote sits alone in the Chula Vista Marina now. Captain and crew will return in late October to continue the ocean journey south into Mexico and beyond. In the meantime, my friend Tina and I are doing a three week road trip!
Cruising up coastal Highway 101 from San Diego, Tina and I stopped in Encinitas for an easily forgotten overnight (what was the name of that place?). However, the next morning (this morning) started with a great coffee shop, and a beautiful ocean beach walk complete with terns, snipes, surfers and soft sand for bare feet.
Making our way Northeast out of Oceanside, CA, we have arrived at our first reserved overnight: Glamperville. In the one-gasmart-town of Newberry Springs, I anticipate Glamperville will be one of our more memorable lodging environments and accommodations. It’s a 50′ trailer done up super kitsch inside, and with air conditioning.
There is ample outdoor seating, a variety of bbq’s and various impressions of art. For outside games there’s a swimming pool, a swing set and a walkable-sized Monopoly Board permanently attached to the patio. With an adjacent house, also rentable, this place is made for family reunions, but tonight we have the lonely place to ourselves.
The fence gate gently bangs in the breeze. With Spaghetti Western music playing in the background, the vast views of dry dessert with the San Bernardino mountains far off in the distance, this is an excellent start into the heart of our trip through the American Southwest.